Wednesday, October 21, 2009

If you were considering drugs before; you won't after this clip

I think I have probably found the most disturbing drug psa videos ever to be created. I'm hesitant to send this over to Mike, but he did tell him to look for stuff he probably wouldn't want to look at.

I have never seen this video prior but apparently its been aired on TV, and I would like to think I watch a fair amount of TV. Of course I think I'd rather the Dell computer commercial where they're singing "Lollipop" instead of this one. And that's saying a lot. I couldn't imagine the looks on peoples faces if he showed this in Norway. I found another psa, this one is a classic.


All for now...back to searching!

A brand new day

And a new outlook on life!

I have moved (upgraded) once again to another (and bigger) office down the hall. Still no window however. But I am sharing my space with another, Marc. Jess is out on maternity leave and had her baby at the beginning of October. Pregnancy is quite the popular trend here in the office. The first office when I arrived (Mike's secretary) was out on maternity leave. She came back and was promptly moved into Vivi's office who was also out on leave (she's coming back today or later in the week), hence the the reason for my third and most likely not my finally move into the current work space.

I'm hoping there isn't something in the water around here. I don't want to catch the Preggo Bug that's floating around. This is not to be confused with the red marinara sauce you can get at the local grocers.

Well, I've just finished editting the the FFT chapter, and with success I might add. 9,757 character with spaces and not including the title and reference pages. I've sent it off to Mike and hopefully that'll be the last I see of it until it gets into publication, because I could really use that check.

November is strolling up and my mom wants me back home with a job until I'm off to graduate school, whenever that is. I can't believe I've been here since August and its already getting close for me to leave. I just wish I could stay here longer because I don't want to go look for a job in the so-called "real world." First off, I think I'm over qualified for work. This is stemming from the fact last year when I was looking for a job and didn't get hired by anyone (well except for Market to Market which was a godsend). Its disheartening when you apply for Winn Dixie and they don't even look twice at you. My father works at WD and I had 4yrs experience working at a IGA grocery store in Stuart. Why not hire me? I'm a proficient bagger, had cashier training (all I would need to learn would be the produce codes and such) and I had worked in multiple departments. But no, I was overlooked. And now not to mention that I have a college degree.

My mom and aunt are also telling me to not intimidate employers...I think that's how they worded it. But I think that is literally impossible. How can they not be intimidated. I have a college degree, so they're thinking well why doesn't she get a job in her field. I can't really get a job in my field until I ship off to graduate school which is going to suck initially but I might be able to hold out for 2yrs. Also, I have a Psychology degree. That's all you have to say and people are freaking out. Like "omg she must be psycho-analyzing me, better watch what I say" kind of schticks. I hate telling people my degree. I roll my eyes and give a fake smile/laugh when ever they say this stuff. So I'm slightly tempted not to put it on an application or resume, but I have to.

I should be proud of my degree. Don't get me wrong, I am very proud of my achievements. I just wish others would break away from the generic assumptions of all psychology majors are psychoanalysts, Freudians, and counselors/therapists. Freud had wonderful theroies for the time, however, they just aren't applicable in today's order of things. Psychology has come a long way since the Freudians Age.

But not to get too off topic. Had a meeting with Mike about the Norway Presentation. It's progression is slow but underway. I'm doing a headline search for the beginning of the presentation. He wants something to make the introduction "pop" instead of using mundane statistics. So I'm going to be search newspapers as well as YouTube to find inspiration.

I'll be sure to post some of the more interesting findings.

Tuesday, October 20, 2009

Back into the grind

I know I keep saying it but I have yet to take action in "updating this on a more daily basis."

I'm getting back to working again at the office. It's been over a week or so since I've been in. I've been slow getting into the routine again; still recuperating from my St. Auggie trip of getting to stay up late and sleep in even later - a luxury I don't get here.

Right now I'm working on a Norway presentation for early November...which is quickly approaching around the corner. It's mostly a general presentation on state of the science therapy working with adolescents with substance abuse problems and presenting with comorbid psychiatric problems.

I'm also still working on that FFT article. My very very first assingment when I started the internship back in August. It was kind of surreal when I oppened up the document and saw my name on the title page of the article. My name will also be on the Norway presentation. That'll be three projects with my name on it (FFT article, Norway and the Sweden presentations). Right now we have to cut down the article to be under 9800 characters. I have to say that after the first edit back in August, Mike did an awesome job cutting it down. It was originally 45 pages and when I got it last weekend, he had been able to cut it down to 14 pages. I was pretty impressed. Hopefully when I'm finished with this cut it'll get its finally submit...Meaning I'll be all that much closer to getting paid. About $200...which is well needed. I could use it for bills...but I would rather use it for FLaRF, towards a new laptop or put a little aside for a new tattoo. I could split it up 3 (even 4) ways, donating cash toward each one.

Along with my internship, I've picked up a little side work with my aunt (not getting paid of course, but its all good as it'll help hone my filing skills). I'm just going to be alphabetizing some files and copying documents in order to file.

Until later.

Tuesday, October 6, 2009

Highlight of the work day

On the drive home from work yesterday, Mike and I saw a man dressed in a hospital gown with his IV pole down outside the Wendy's. It's 3 blocks from Jackson Hospital. And he had about 8 police officers standing around him.

Just another awesome day in Miami.

Monday, October 5, 2009

It's okay, he didn't really rape her!

My mornings to work are rather entertaining, consisting of Mike filling me on who's who on the Howard Stern show. I remember listening to him back in high school and kind of found him offensive. Though now, I kind of see him as an intelligent individual and some of the show pieces are definitely laughable.

This morning Howard was talking about he happened to catch what Whoopi Goldberg was saying (in defense) about the case about Roman Polanski - him having sex with a 13-yr-old girl; though the case happened in 1977. I'm not sure if they're reopening the case or what not over here in the states, since I was thinking that the statute of limitations would prevent the case from moving forward because of how long ago it happened. It turns out that he was already charged in 78 but fled to France - so he has an active outstanding warrant for his arrest because of his failure to appear in court. I don't know since I'm not well versed in the details of the situation. Any way, he was charged with having unlawful sex with a minor which leads me to my point on Whoopi's comment.

The piece that I heard from Stern's show just seemed like a big joke all the way around the table. What is "rape-rape"? Is that the same expression children use when they are differentiating how they feel about people? You know: you either like a person or you like-like them. The terminology relating to rape is just ridiculous. It's either rape or its consensual sex, there is no gray area especially in the eyes of the law. So Whoopi is going on about how they have to be sensitive in how they use the terminology of raping and allegations toward Polanski. In the background one of the other ladies ask what exactly is the definition of rape. How can you not know? Now Whoopi has a good point in kind of way they should be talking about it, but she is clearly steadfast in her point that he didn't rape her because the girl was drugged.

The term rape is considered a sensitive subject in our society and its definition has been revised through the years and can differ across state lines. But agreed upon in most states is rape is a criminal offense and is a forcible sexual relation(s) with a person against that person's will. Now historically, spousal rape (back in the day) wasn't considered rape as it was a wife's duty to fulfill the needs of her husband be it sexual or other. Now we have defined a number of different sexual acts that would be considered as rape.

"The criminal offense of statutory rape is committed when an adult sexually penetrates a person who, under the law, is incapable of consenting to sex." It has been said that the girl (at the time) knew what was going on. Regardless if she knew what was going or consented, it would still be considered rape because a young teenager, who still is practically a child, does not have the mental capacity to fully comprehend what is taking place. Their brains aren't fully developed. Even if she had started with saying yes, in the end she did verbally protest what he did while it was taking place and he didn't respect her enough to stop. As an older person he had the capability to over-power her because of his age and physique. And it doesn't matter if her mother was in the building -- take that back. It does matter that her mother was in the building at the time. Where was she while this was going on??

I'm not trying to down Whoopi, because I love her as a person. But I just feel what she was saying seemed ignorant and also sounded like she wasn't getting what she wanted to say out in the right way. But even still, I don't think people should be defending Polanski just because he's won an Academy Award or because of his prestigious work in the past. Chris Rock, I think says it best (from his appearance on Leno): "People are defending Roman Polanski because he made good movies 30 years ago?" he said. "Are you kidding me? Even Johnny Cochran didn't have the nerve to go, 'Well did you see OJ play against New England?'" - Here's the clip, which is a little under 10mins about the piece from The View among other things: