Friday, January 1, 2010

A Revelation

Happy New Year everyone! Lets hope 2010 is better for us than 2009 :)

So I've come to a major crossroads in my education path. I have my BA in Psychology and did an internship as a Research Assistant. I had thought of getting my Masters in Forensic Psychology, but right now I don't think that's what I want to pursue. For the second time in my life I've had someone tell me that I should do what tickles me (Not exactly verbatim but close). The first was Joe Vlah at an orientation before my first year at Flagler; the second was Kenneth Glass (he owns an Antiques store in Downtown Stuart). He picked me for an artist. A good guess :) Art and writing I do for fun, to unwind from a stressful day or workout a problem. I couldn't do it as a school choice. I don't think I'd find it enjoyable after awhile, you know? So that of course got me thinking...Do I really want my Masters in Psychology? I don't really want to do therapy or counseling, and I think I know I couldn't work with abused children. I don't want to get into the medical aspects like Psychiatry. I wouldn't feel comfortable in handling people and medications. Being a researcher isn't the most glamorous of fields but it certainly is interesting but I don't want to be stuck inside, in a room with no windows...maybe if I had a window it would be a consideration. I'm not really great with numbers or even science for that matter.

So yeah...I've been thinking that while I find Psychology interesting and what have you. I don't think I would enjoy it in the long-run. So what do I want? I want to wake up everyday (well the majority of most days) and enjoy having to go and do what I do. Something I'm compassionate about. Something that makes me smile so big I could blot out the sun. Something that hopefully I won't be stuck in an office all day for. One word can sum up my passion:

It's always been at the back of my mind. I was a wolf on the beach when I was little; digging holes, running around on all my hands and knees, and yes I think even howling while in my leopard print bathing suit. There are wolves everywhere in my room. I even like to howl with my dog...who I'm certain is more wolf than we think.

I don't know exactly what I want to study in the wolf realm but I want to work with them, be their human voice and educate those trying to kill them off. Palin unfortunately I don't believe can be rehabilitated in this effort and I have a more colorful image of how I would like to immerse her in what she's been a part of. Its kind of like an intense form of flooding or exposure therapy...but more violent >.>

Now I just have to concentrate and figure out how to go about this...which means I get do a school search again. Yay. If I thought finding Forensic programs was hard enough, this should make for a fun challenge. I'll be writing about my new endeavors over at Stay in the Woods