Person's name: Marie E. G.
Name of department sponsor: D. Feaster, V. Horigian
U.S. citizen or permanent resident (if not, specify status): Yes
Educational Status: Bachelors Degree
MARIE: What is this person's current position and institution:
MARIE How many months and hours per week will the person be here
MARIE Why does the person want to volunteer
What will the person be doing as a volunteer: She will be working under the direction of Drs. Feaster and Horigian. She will also work with Dr. M. Robbins, who will be coordinating ongoing research studies with the team at the Center for Family Studies. Her primary responsibilities will include assisting with the development, write-up, and submission of research manuscripts and scientific presentations. She will conduct literature searches, assist with assembling documents, run basic statistical analyses, and attend regular research team meetings. She will also attend weekly clinical supervision meetings to gain exposure to the core components of an empirically-based intervention. This later experience will faciltate her understanding of the challenges inherenet in implementing an intervention and monitoring fidelity in a clinical trial.
Will this person have patient contact: No
Where is this person going to be located on campus (research lab, clinic, etc.): Sieron Building, Research Lab
So I'll be a researcher's grunt. No biggie...but I'm hoping if it is an unpaid volunteer position, it won't stay that way for long. I'm looking to hopefully put in my time there for 4 months working up to 4 days a week, with 6-8 hour days.
The email has been sent with my resume and got a call from Mike yesterday as a confirmation!!
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