Friday, September 12, 2008

I feel like Carrie Bradshaw of ‘Sex and the City’ now that I officially have an online blog. I am not too fond of the show but have and do not mind watching it in passing on nights the roommates and I play a random game of monopoly or working on a puzzle. The only difference between Carrie’s character and I is that for the most part I will not be writing about sex or my “late night escapades of promiscuous sex.”
I’m a Psychology major at Flagler College in historic Saint Augustine, Florida – which to clarify is located on the Northeast coast of Florida. For some reason people think it is on the West coast of the state, or was that my hometown? Not that it matters, both are located on the East side. Like I mentioned, I am a Psychology major and this blog will for the most part dedicated to that aspect as I try to figure out what I want to aspire as in the field. I have found that in college it is a growing commonality that many students while knowing the field of study they want to pursue are unsure what they want to do specifically. I have found this especially true with psychology students; at least the ones I have met who wish to do something other than counseling and therapy, which I guess is part of my lovely dilemma. I find the psychology field fascinating, some areas more so than others are, and I would like to focus on something as equally fascinating. At least it is good to know that I am not the only student who has this problem. One of my former roommates, a Psychology major and Flagler Alumni, also did not know what she wanted to do career wise. We both could not tell you what we wanted to be but we could tell you what we did not want to be, which was clinician work, therapy or counseling. These three areas are what the common layperson knows psychology to be.
This is a good example of why I am not fond of disclosing my major to folks who ask. Once acknowledge they assume at least three certain aspects of my future profession. These are the three I have found to be the most common response. a) They have to watch what they say all of a sudden because I am psychoanalyzing them; b) they will get a discount in their therapy sessions once I establish a practice; and c) I can see and diagnose all the problems they have based on a few chance encounters lasting less that ten minutes. It frustrates me at times because there are other areas of psychology than counseling and therapy. In time, I hope to figure them out.
As for my former roommate, she is currently looking into graduate schools in Central Florida and the field of Industrial Organizational, or IO Psychology. Therefore, I wish her the best of luck. For my current plans, I am looking at a possible internship at the University of Miami; thus the reasoning behind this blog. The inspiration also so came from a few previous psychology classes in where we were required to keep journals to record our reactions and thoughts about the subjects being studies. It was a good way to watch the mind progress and grow as the course carried on. I hope to accomplish that as I progress through the rest of my undergraduate studies, internships and graduate studies, and even further into my career.

1 comment:

Kelci said...

Welcome to the internets!! I look forward to reading about your journey :D I hope you have TONS of fun!!